The mission of the Office of Institutional Advancement (IA) and Alumni Relations is to collaborate with faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, external stakeholders, and the community at-large of Chattahoochee Valley Community College (CVCC) to promote the mission of the College.
To accomplish this mission, the Office strives to:
- Cultivate strong meaningful relationships
- Communicate achievement/developments
- Engage the broader community to invest philanthropically in the needs and priorities of the College
- Build financial resources to support CVCC students, faculty, programs, and services.
- Expand awareness about the College’s educational mission, programs, and achievements.
- Mobilize trustees, alumni, current and prospective students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of CVCC to support the College with their time, talent, and financial resources.
- Develop understanding and support among the various constituencies of CVCC in order to secure the resources required to fulfill CVCC’s educational mission.
- Collaborate with the Marketing Office to provide integrated marketing communications focusing on consistent messages and identity, public affairs, publications, advertising, and online communication.
- Establish long-lasting community relationships to provide a rigorous fund development, stewardship, and alumni and parent relations program through partnerships and the philanthropy of alumni, family, friends, corporations, faculty and staff.
- Work closely with the CVCC Foundation, which is composed of community and business leaders, to secure gifts, grants, and external funding to support student success.
The IA office is led by the Coordinator of Institutional Advancement, who manages the following areas:
- CVCC Foundation —Exists for the sole purpose of providing support for programs and activities, which enhance the quality of education and expand the educational opportunities for students enrolled at CVCC. The Foundation is entrusted with securing and developing resources to assist the college by procuring private support from individuals, corporations, and alumni for direct support of our students and to advance the college mission, vision and goals.
- Foundation Scholarship Administration – Promotes scholarships, manages existing scholarship programs, and seeks new scholarship funding opportunities for CVCC students.
- Alumni Relations/Friends of CVCC – Supports the College’s mission through interaction with current and former students, and cultivates a professional network of individuals who champion the growth of CVCC. Works to maintain effective relationships among the College, its alumni, their family and friends.
- Grant Development – Assists faculty and staff in seeking and developing competitive grant proposals to provide external resources for college initiatives; provides research on corporations, foundations, individuals, and government agencies whose interests correspond with the priorities and programs of the College, and who are able to assist the college in meeting its development goal of providing an affordable, excellent education.
- Donor Relations – Collaborates with the Marketing Office to effectively communicate with external constituents. Increases public awareness and appreciation of CVCC to prospective and current donors, and key constituents to cultivate long-lasting relationships to support Major Gifts, Planned Gifts and fundraising priorities as identified by the President, the Cabinet, and the CVCC Foundation.