Deadline: Until funding exhausted
Below is a description of each scholarship available for incoming high school seniors.
Apply here.
All institutional scholarships require students be enrolled full-time, and all courses must be required for their degree program.
Students who possess 3.0 GPA or higher and will graduate from high school before the end of June are eligible to apply. This is a renewable scholarship (maximum 2 years) provided students maintain all requirements by end of first year.
Students who possess 2.7 GPA or higher and will graduate from high school before the end of June are eligible to apply. As college ambassadors, students are required to perform certain duties while representing CVCC. This is a renewable scholarship (maximum 2 years) provided students maintain all requirements by end of first year.
Students who possess 2.7 GPA or higher and will graduate from high school before the end of June are eligible to apply. As student leaders, students are required to complete service hours for CVCC. This is a renewable scholarship (maximum 2 years) provided students maintain all requirements by end of first year.
Students who possess talents in music (vocal/instrumental) are invited to try out for this scholarship. Interested students should contact the Fine Arts Division for dates/times.
Students with a 2.5 GPA and a talent in visual arts, demonstrated through a portfolio featuring at least five works any visual artistic media (painting, drawing, photography, graphic design, etc.) must complete the CVCC Scholarship application before emailing their contact information and portfolio to Students may also contact the CVCC’s Fine Arts Department for more information at 334-214-4854 or
This includes Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Baseball, Women’s Softball and Managers. Students who possess athletic abilities in one of these areas are invited to try out. students should contact the Athletic Department.
Student applicants must be a high school graduate and pursuing an Associates in Applied Science (AAS) degree or certificate at CVCC. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher from high school.
Deadline: Until funding exhausted
Below is a description of each scholarship available for current CVCC students. Apply here.
Student applicants must be a high school graduate or equivalent (GED) and pursuing an Associates in Applied Science (AAS) degree or certificate at CVCC. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher from high school/GED or college.
Students who are currently enrolled at CVCC, have cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have a completed a minimum of 24 credit hours fall and spring of current academic year are eligible to apply. This is a one-year scholarship.
Students who have not been enrolled for the current academic year and possess a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher from either high school or college are eligible to apply. This is a renewable scholarship (maximum 2 years) provided student maintains all requirements by end of of their first year.
Future Leader Scholarships are available to students from various backgrounds who maintain a minimum C average. Applicants must submit a typed essay (maximum 500 words) on the significance of leadership within their community and participate in an interview with the Future Leaders Subcommittee. Scholarship recipients are also expected to actively engage in all mentoring meetings as part of their leadership development.
The Alabama State Board of education has approved the waiver of tuition for Alabama residents age 60 and over who wish to enroll in college credit courses. Click Senior Adult or contact Admission Office in Wallace hall for further information. Click here to apply for the Senior Adult Scholarship.
Complete the online interest form. For more information, contact Vickie Williams, Associate Dean.
Interested in returning to school to finish your degree? You may qualify for the new (Re)Engage Grant provided by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Limited funds and program eligibility available.
(Re)Engage Grant Information Sheet
(Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program
Deadline: Varies
Please visit this page to read about and apply to for our Foundation Scholarships.
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