The Certifying Official(s) in the Financial Aid Office at CVCC is responsible for certifying the enrollment of veterans and their dependents electronically via the Department of Veteran Affairs certification program, VA-Once. Certification will be conducted at the conclusion of the College Drop/Add registration process. All veterans or eligible dependents should contact the Financial Aid Office during registration each semester in order to notify the College Certifying Official of the veteran’s or dependent’s enrollment and request certification of enrollment for that semester.
Prior to certification, veterans and/or dependents of veterans must complete all admission requirements for Chattahoochee Valley Community College, complete the appropriate application for benefits, and present the following required documents to the Financial Aid Office:
DD-214, Separation Papers — Certified or original copy of Member 4 for Chapter 30 and 32 Veterans.
Form 2384, Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) for Chapter 1606, National Guard and Reserves. File number for veteran’s dependents for Chapter 35.
The following criteria will be used for certifying veterans or eligible persons:
Certification will be granted for only those courses that are applicable to the declared program of study. Any deviation must be approved by the VA Certifying Official located in the College Financial Aid Office.
Certification will not be granted for audited courses or courses in which a veteran has received a grade of “D” or higher.
The veteran or eligible person who has received credit at other institutions will be certified only for those courses necessary to complete the declared program of study at the College. Payments will be made to the student from the Department of Veteran Affairs based on the following payment schedule:
Full-time payment (12 credit hours or more)
Three-fourths payment (9-11 credit hours)
One-half payment (6-8 credit hours)
Reimbursement for tuition and fees (5 or fewer credit hours)